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Phosphate Fertilizer Monthly: Gradual Release of Favorable Demand Signals Market Warming

June 12, 2024, 9:21 AM
This monthly report on the phosphate fertilizer market reveals a gradual release of favorable demand conditions, signaling a warming market trend. The analysis covers both monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP), presenting a comprehensive overview of market dynamics, including price trends, supply and demand balances, and production rates. The MAP market experienced steady operation before the holiday period, with a slight increase in prices post-holiday. The DAP market, meanwhile, was characterized by a cautious atmosphere pre-holiday, with stable to slightly adjusted prices, transitioning to a slight increase in prices and trading resumption post-holiday. The report utilizes Fertilizer Duo Duo data to elucidate these trends, highlighting specific price indices and their variations within the month. The raw material segment discusses the current state and expectations for phosphate rock, synthetic ammonia, and sulfur markets, indicating a slight cost pressure increase but generally stable conditions expected in the following month. The supply side is marked by increased production enthusiasm towards the month-end, with MAP supply remaining ample and DAP spot