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Daily Review of Phosphate Fertilizers: Post-Holiday Market Speculation Intensifies, Phosphate Fertilizer Prices Show Positive Trends

June 12, 2024, 9:21 AM
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state and future outlook of the phosphate fertilizer market, focusing on monoammonium and diammonium phosphate. As of February 20th, the price indices for these fertilizers have remained stable, reflecting a steady market. The analysis indicates that the monoammonium phosphate market is gradually recovering post-holiday, with prices expected to remain steady in the short term. The diammonium phosphate market is also stable, with tight supply and persistent demand contributing to a market environment where prices are more likely to rise than fall. The post-holiday market has seen increased speculation, particularly in the diammonium phosphate sector, influenced by export rumors and a strong wait-and-see attitude among operators. Given these dynamics, it is anticipated that the phosphate fertilizer market will continue to operate steadily, with prices showing positive trends in the short term, influenced by both supply and demand factors.