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Mergers and acquisitions of listed chemical companies enter an active period

September 27, 2024, 11:23 AM

Recently, Wu Qing, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (    ), said that the CSRC will take more measures to activate the M & A market. Since the beginning of this year, the pace of mergers and acquisitions and asset integration of listed companies has significantly speeded up. According to statistics, more than 10 listed chemical enterprises, such as Salt Lake shares and Haohua Technology, have disclosed their M & A plans.

Specifically, on September 8, Salt Lake shares announced that the company's actual controller, the SASAC of Qinghai Provincial Government, the controlling shareholder, Qinghai State Investment Corporation, and China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd. and its subordinate enterprises plan to jointly form China Salt Lake Industrial Group Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan (tentatively). On August 30, Hubei Yihua issued an announcement that Hubei Yihua intends to buy its 100% stake in Yichang Xinfa Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. From Yihua Group in cash. The deal is expected to constitute a major asset restructuring. On August 1, Haohua Technology announced that Haohua Chemical Technology Group Co., Ltd. successfully acquired 52.81% and 47.19% of the shares held by Sinochem Group and Sinochem assets. The deal constitutes a major asset restructuring. On February 27th, Wanhua Chemical announced that the company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Wanhua Chemical Group Battery Technology Co., Ltd., would directly transfer part of the shares held by Copper Group in Anada and Liukuo Chemical, with a total transaction value of 415 million yuan. On January 23, Juhua announced that it had acquired 54.696 million of the shares of the underlying company by cash contribution from some of the veteran shareholders of Zibo Feiyuan Chemical Co., Ltd., with a transaction value of 1.394 billion yuan.

People in the industry believe that M & An is an important engine for listed companies to achieve transformation, upgrading and high-quality development, and state-owned capital enters projects in new energy, new materials, high-end manufacturing and other fields through M & A. it will become an active force in M & An activities in China's capital market.

In view of the active M & A transactions of basic chemical enterprises, Zhu Ke, executive director of the China Information Association and founding director of the National Research Institute of New Economics, said that the chemical industry not only occupies an important position in China's economic development. it is also a key area of scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading. Especially in the context of the current global economic recovery, M & An activities in related industries are expected to be further promoted.

It is understood that since the introduction of the new "National Nine articles" in April this year, the CSRC has taken various measures to stimulate the vitality of the market for mergers and acquisitions and further optimize the policy environment: improving the inclusiveness of restructuring valuations, independently negotiating whether or not to agree on performance commitments between transaction parties supporting third-party restructuring, supporting absorption and merger among listed companies, encouraging listed companies to improve quality, efficiency, excellence and strength through mergers and acquisitions, and improving the quality of listed companies.

Gu Weiyu, director of the Financial Innovation and risk Management Research Center of the Central University of Finance and Economics, said that for listed companies, mergers and acquisitions can achieve the integration of the industrial chain and create resource coordination with other enterprises in a closer form. especially through the integration of the upper and lower reaches of the industrial chain to enhance market competitiveness and improve operational efficiency. At the same time, through mergers and acquisitions to enhance the market value of the company, strengthen its own strength, and enhance the activity of the capital market, give better play to the resource allocation function of the capital market, and guide more resources to new industries and hard technology enterprises in line with the national strategy.

It is understood that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments have successively issued important policy opinions such as the guidance on promoting the High-quality Development of the Petrochemical Industry during the 14th five-year Plan and the implementation Plan for the Innovation and Development of the Fine Chemical Industry (2024-2027). It points out the direction for the future high-quality development of the petrochemical industry, and the "market hand" has undoubtedly become the macro blessing of self-driven mergers and acquisitions of chemical enterprises. Chemical enterprises are expected to get a share of the policy "dividend". Source: Sinochem New Network