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Polyethylene PE: Spot prices are sorted out on a small scale, and the market is mainly actively shipped

September 24, 2024, 3:42 PM

China Petrochemical Inventory: The polyolefin inventory of the two oils was 765,000 tons, down 45,000 tons from yesterday.

Shenhua auction statistics: Today's auction volume was 900 tons, and today's transaction volume was 899 tons. High-pressure auction volume today is 0 tons, and today's transaction volume is 0 tons. Low-pressure today's auction volume is 0 tons, and today's transaction volume is 0 tons.

PE spot market analysis: Today, the overall PE market in China has been consolidated on a small scale. Among them, the prices of linear, low-pressure film materials and low-pressure wire drawing in North China are weak, and the high-pressure high-end prices in North China and the high-pressure high-end prices in East China are weak. During the day, international oil prices fell first and then rose. Some PE varieties have a limited supply of goods in the market, and traders often offer quotations along with them. However, most PE production companies mainly actively ship goods in order to reduce inventory. There are also cases where traders give profits to promote transactions. In addition, some downstream factories are at low prices. Purchasing the supply needed during the holidays, the overall transaction performance of the PE market is acceptable.

PE spot trend forecast: In terms of raw materials, international oil prices have strengthened from the low level of nearly a year in the previous period in recent days, causing the cost supporting role of the PE market to gradually shift from negative feedback to positive feedback. On the supply side, with the resumption of start-up of HDPE units in Tarim Petrochemical and Guangdong Petrochemical in the short term, the supply of HDPE may increase to a certain extent. On the demand side, the National Day holiday is approaching, and the behavior of terminals just needing to stock up has support for the market. However, as the downstream pre-holiday stocking behavior comes to an end, the downstream purchasing mentality may be biased towards wait-and-see. Overall, there is support in the PE market, but there is no strong upward drive. In the short term, the polyethylene market is expected to show a mixed trend.

Mainstream quotes in the PE market:

Analysis of PE futures: On September 24, the opening price of L2501 was 7844, the highest price was 7978, the lowest price was 7834, the position was 398709, the settlement price was 7897, yesterday's settlement: 7874, the increase: 23.

China PE Index: According to Tuduo's data, on September 24, China's HDPE spot index was 7895, down 9;LDPE film spot index was 10338, up 10;LLDPE spot index was 8270, up 15.
