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"Technical Guide for the Construction of Centralized Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Supporting Pipe Networks in Chemical Parks" is open for comments

September 14, 2024, 11:34 AM

Recently, the Chemical Park Working Committee of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation organized a kick-off meeting and comment solicitation meeting for the group standard "Technical Guidelines for the Construction of Centralized Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Supporting Pipe Networks in Chemical Parks" in a combination of online and offline.

Department of Ecological Environment Supervision and Management of Key Watersheds Third Division of Water Ecology and Environment Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (hereinafter referred to as the "Water Division Three Watershed Divisions") Dr. Cheng Hanyang, Ma Congyue, Director of the Chemical Park Working Committee of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Lu Xi, Deputy General Manager/Chief Engineer of Nanjing University of Technology Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., China Environmental Science Liu Xiaoling, Director of the Technical Office of the River Basin Center of the Research Institute, and other leaders and experts attended the meeting on site; More than 50 experts from China Chemical South Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Sinochem Environmental Technology Engineering Co., Ltd., China Zhonglian Environmental Co., Ltd., Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park, Zhenjiang New Area Green Chemical New Materials Industrial Park, Changshu Economic and Technological Development Zone Chemical Park, etc. Shang attended the meeting.

Dr. Cheng Hanyang from the Third Division of the Water Division Basin delivered a speech, emphasizing that the chemical industry park is the key inspection object of the industrial park's water pollution investigation and rectification actions, and affirming the importance of this standard in improving the technical level and management level of water pollution prevention and control in the chemical industry park. He hoped that the preparation team will speed up the preparation of standards and fill the gaps in such standards as soon as possible.

Ma Congyue, Director of the Park Committee, introduced the policy background of the standard establishment to the delegates, affirmed the guiding role of the standard after its release in guiding the standardized construction of China's chemical parks, and made detailed arrangements for the next step in preparing the plan. He hoped that all participating units would follow the requirements of the Water Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, complete the consultation work within the year and officially release it in early 2025 to better guide the standardized construction of professional sewage treatment facilities and supporting pipe networks in chemical parks across the country.

Lu Xi, deputy general manager and chief engineer of Nanjing University of Technology Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., the lead author, introduced the content of the standard to the participating representatives on behalf of the preparation team. Experts and representatives attending the meeting focused on the framework content of the standard, the feasibility of application technology, term definitions, language expressions, etc., expressed their opinions and put forward a lot of valuable opinions and suggestions. Source: China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation