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"Guidelines for Entering Chemical Production and Construction Projects in Sichuan Province (Trial Implementation)" was issued

September 9, 2024, 11:21 AM

In order to implement the "Action Plan for the Treatment of New Pollutants", strengthen the top-level design of ecological and environmental monitoring standards for new pollutants, and actively promote the modernization of new pollutant management systems and governance capabilities, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "New Pollutants Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Standard System Table (2024 Edition)" on September 5 to provide reference for the investigation, monitoring, supervision and management of new pollutants. Details are as follows:

    Departments (bureaus) of Ecological Environment of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Ecological Environment Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Ecological Environment Supervision and Administration Bureau of each river basin (sea area), Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, China Environmental Monitoring Station, China-Japan Friendship Environmental Protection Center, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science, South China Institute of Environmental Science, Satellite Environmental Application Center, National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center:

    In order to implement the "Action Plan for the Treatment of New Pollutants", strengthen the top-level design of ecological and environmental monitoring standards for new pollutants, and actively promote the modernization of new pollutant management systems and governance capabilities, our Ministry has organized the compilation of the "New Pollutant Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Standard System Table (2024 Edition)", which consists of a framework diagram of the new pollutant ecological and environmental monitoring standard system and a system item table. It is hereby issued to you for reference in the investigation, monitoring, supervision and management of new pollutants. It can be forwarded to relevant technical units to carry out standard pre-research. Source: Central Soil and Groundwater Alliance