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"Opinions on Improving the Market Access System" released

August 23, 2024, 12:16 PM

Market access system is one of the basic systems of socialist market economy. The third Plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee clearly proposed to improve the market access system and optimize the market access environment in new business type's new field. On the 21st, the opinions on improving the Market access system issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council were released to the public.

This document has more than 2000 words and 10 opinions, and is called "10 articles on Market access". This is the first time that the central government has issued a policy document specifically on improving the market access system, releasing an important signal to promote a better combination of effective markets and promising governments, and to further stimulate market vitality.

Point one: make clear the goal of the construction of market access system

It is suggested that we should build a market access system that is open and transparent, standardized and orderly, fair competition, clear powers and responsibilities, and strong supervision.

"the opinions formally defined the objectives and requirements for the construction of the market access system." Wang Chenwei, director of the Macro Policy Research Office of the Institute of Economic system and Management of the National Development and Reform Commission, said.

Wang Chenwei said: openness and transparency is the premise and basis for achieving equal access, standardization and order is the requirement of management, equal competition is the main purpose, clear powers and responsibilities, and strong supervision are important guarantees. These five aspects work together to build the target system of the market access system.

Point 2: the market access system and mechanism are more sound.

The first article of the opinion proposes to "improve the management mode of negative list of market access", requiring all kinds of market access management measures set in accordance with the law to be included in the unified negative list of market access throughout the country. it is strictly forbidden to illegally set up access permits, add access conditions, and formulate negative lists of the nature of market access.

Guo Liyan, deputy director of the Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that this means that it is necessary to ensure that "one order is listed" and "there is no single order" by improving the system, thus fully safeguarding the seriousness and authority of the system.

It is worth noting that the opinion emphasizes that for matters that may be accessible without a market ban but managed in accordance with the record, a license shall not be established in a disguised form in the name of filing.

If there is a clear opinion on the adjustment procedure of market access management measures, which may cause sudden and major risks to economic operation, temporary market access management measures may be taken after being submitted to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for approval.

Experts pointed out that this means that without the consent of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, industry authorities do not have the right to make temporary decisions to ban access to the market, which will help prevent the abuse of administrative power and stabilize market expectations.

Point 3: strengthen the coordination of domestic and foreign capital access policies

It is clear that we should strengthen the coordination of the adjustment of domestic and foreign capital access policies and adhere to the principle of national treatment without compromising the access opportunities of existing business entities. If restrictions on access to foreign investment are relaxed, domestic investment shall be liberalized at the same time; under the premise of not violating international agreements and commitments, the entry threshold for domestic investment shall be applied to foreign capital at the same time.

Guo Liyan said: it cannot be an area where restrictions on foreign investment have been liberalized, but there is still a threshold for domestic investment to enter; by the same token, foreign capital should also abide by the entry management of domestic capital in accordance with the law. This is a problem-oriented measure that responds to the demands of society and enterprises, and emphasizes that measures for equal access to domestic and foreign capital must be put in place.

Point 4: optimize the market access environment in new business type's new field.

Promoting the development of new-quality productive forces is a bright spot of the opinion.

It is suggested that new business type's new areas, such as the deep sea, aerospace, aviation, life and health, new energy, artificial intelligence, independent trusted computing, information security, intelligent rail transit, and modern seed industry, should be focused on. In accordance with the principles and paths of standards guidance, scene opening, market promotion, industrial agglomeration, and system upgrading, implementation plans to optimize the market environment will be formulated in different areas to promote the innovative allocation of production factors and improve access efficiency. We should make good use of innovative platforms such as advanced technology application and promotion centers and the transformation of various scientific and technological achievements to smooth the industrial system, innovative resources, capital elements, application scenarios, institutional policies, and so on, and speed up the development of new productive forces in line with local conditions.

Wang Chenwei said that with the rapid iterative upgrading of new technologies, some of new business type's new areas highlight many problems, such as unclear access rules and access environment to be optimized, and there is an urgent need to continuously improve relevant access policies and update market access rules in a timely manner. Further relaxing market access in new business type's new areas will help allow more social forces to enter industries that were regarded as "high threshold" in the past, and guide the smooth flow of all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors to new-quality productive forces.

Point 5: orderly relaxation of access restrictions for the service industry

It is suggested that access restrictions should be gradually lifted in service industries that do not involve national security and social stability and can rely on full market competition to improve the quality of supply. For education, health, sports and other industries related to important areas of people's livelihood, we will steadily relax access restrictions and optimize access standards for industries such as providing for the aged, nurturing and helping the disabled.

"the service industry is the area with the greatest market potential, and social capital, especially private capital and foreign capital, have a strong willingness to enter." Guo Liyan said: further cleaning up various restrictions on access to the service industry, removing explicit or implicit market barriers, and timely relaxing market access for the service industry will help to create a market access environment that "dares to invest, can invest well," and promote the in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Point 6: comprehensively evaluate the efficiency of market access

It is suggested that we should comprehensively evaluate the efficiency of market access, optimize the index system, pay attention to giving full play to the role of third-party institutions, ensure that the evaluation process is open and transparent, that the evaluation results are objective and reasonable, and encourage local governments to strengthen the application of evaluation results in the light of reality.

Zhang Lifeng, deputy director of the Public Technical Services Department of the National Information Center, said that carrying out market access effectiveness evaluation is to assess whether administrative entities at all levels have acted in accordance with market access requirements, whether the established service channels are smooth and complete, and whether the corresponding approval channels are convenient., whether the supervision means implemented are accurate and timely, and whether the publicity and guarantee of the system are in place. Through a normalized and dynamic evaluation mechanism, the purpose of "promoting reform through evaluation" is achieved, and the orderly and comprehensive implementation of the market access system is effectively promoted, thereby creating a fair, transparent and orderly market access environment. Source: Xinhuanet