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Anti-dumping of tetrachloroethylene expires on May 30, 2025

July 24, 2024, 10:38 AM

Each stakeholder:

    According to Article 48 of the Anti-Dumping Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the period for the collection of anti-dumping duties and the period for the performance of price commitments shall not exceed 5 years; however, if it is determined after review that the termination of the collection of anti-dumping duties may lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping and damage, the period for the collection of anti-dumping duties may be extended appropriately.

    According to Article 47 of the Countervailing Regulations of the People's Republic of China, the period for collection of countervailing duties and the period for performance of commitments shall not exceed 5 years; however, if it is determined after review that the termination of the collection of countervailing duties may lead to the continuation or recurrence of subsidies and damage, the period for collection of countervailing duties may be extended appropriately.

    In order to allow interested parties to understand the implementation period of the measures in a timely manner, the Trade Relief Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce notified the anti-dumping and countervailing measures that expire from January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025 as follows:

1. Anti-dumping and countervailing measures that will expire from January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025 will be notified to the public through this notice (see attachment). The Trade Relief and Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce will no longer issue notice of expiration of individual measures.

2. 60 days before the expiration date of the anti-dumping measures in the cases listed in the annex to this notice, if relevant the mainland of China industries or natural persons, legal persons or relevant organizations representing the mainland of China industries believe that the termination of the measures may lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping (or subsidies) and damage, they may submit a final review application in writing to the Ministry of Commerce.

3. In view of the fact that the UK has left the European Union on January 1, 2021, if the cases listed in the annex to this notice involve the European Union and relevant the mainland of China industries or natural persons, legal persons or relevant organizations representing the mainland of China industries submit a final review, they should submit an application in accordance with the requirements of Announcement No. 3 of 2021 of the Ministry of Commerce.

4. The application for final review shall include: a clear statement that the termination of the anti-dumping or countervailing measures will likely lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping (or subsidies) and damage.

5. If relevant the mainland of China industries or natural persons, legal persons or relevant organizations representing the mainland of China industries fail to file an application for final review in accordance with the provisions of this notice, and the Ministry of Commerce does not proactively initiate a final review investigation before the expiration of the relevant anti-dumping or countervailing measures, the implementation of the anti-dumping or countervailing measures will be terminated from the date when the measures expire. Source: Trade Relief Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Commerce