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Daily review of phosphate fertilizer: The general market for domestic demand continues to be dull (July 16)

July 16, 2024, 4:38 PM

Monoammonium phosphate price index:

According to Feiduo data, on July 16, the 55% powder index of domestic monoammonium phosphate was 3,351.25, rising; the 55% particle index was 3,350.00, stable; and the 58% powder index was 3,633.33, stable.


Monoammonium phosphate market analysis and forecast:

Today, the domestic market price of monoammonium phosphate has increased steadily and moderately. On the enterprise side, although the follow-up of new orders is limited, there is still support for short-term issuance. The enterprise mentality is firm and continues to accept orders in a limited manner. The quotation continues to be high and stable, and some of them only take a small number of orders for downstream core customers. In terms of the market, the market trading atmosphere continues to be dull, and the market is temporarily stable. The follow-up on purchases by operators is average, and a small amount of on-demand follow-up is maintained, and the market is calm and organized for a short period of time. On the demand side, recent autumn advance collection meetings for downstream compound fertilizer factories are being held one after another, and it is expected to follow up on repayments. However, they are cautious about following up on high-priced supplies for a short time, and some factories prepare small amounts of fertilizer and have limited follow-up. In terms of raw materials, the market prices of raw materials sulfur and phosphate rock have temporarily remained stable, the market prices of synthetic ammonia have been mixed, and the overall cost price range fluctuated. On the whole, the current market cost and readiness of monoammonium are still supported, and the market is operating firmly. It is expected that the market price of monoammonium phosphate will continue to maintain high consolidation in the short term.

Specific market prices in each region are as follows:


Diammonium phosphate price index:

According to Feiduo data, on July 16, the 64% particle index of the mainstream domestic diammonium phosphate was 3,808.33, stable; the 60% brown index was 3,490.00, rising; and the 57% content index was 3,460.00, stable.


Diammonium phosphate market analysis and forecast:

Today, the domestic market price of diammonium phosphate has increased steadily and moderately. On the enterprise side, the enterprise's focus is still on the shipment of export orders. The factory quotation is stable and has no change. The mentality is firm under the support of exports. In terms of the market, the domestic market has followed up a small amount, and the overall trading atmosphere has been average. Enterprises have continued to ensure supply and stabilize prices, and prices have been stable and consolidated. International market demand continues to improve, boosting the sluggish domestic market. Export shipments continue. Currently, a small number of goods have arrived in the market., 64 The supply is tight, and traders are shipping at high prices. In terms of demand, agricultural demand is in the off-season, and domestic mining has not yet reached the fertilizer use period. Domestic demand is temporarily stable and wait-and-see. A small amount of stock is mainly needed, and follow-up is limited. In terms of raw materials, the market prices of raw materials sulfur and phosphate rock remained stable and consolidated, while the market price of synthetic ammonia fell from north to south and rose from south to south. The market was mixed, and the range of high costs was consolidated. On the whole, the current international diammonium market continues to support the domestic off-season market. The market is stable and has little change. It is expected that the market price of diammonium phosphate will stabilize and adjust in a short period of time.

Specific market prices in each region are as follows:
