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Construction of the Liuhua chlor-alkali railway special line started on the 21st

Source: Liuhua Holdings
February 22, 2024, 11:07 AM
On the morning of February 21, the special railway line project of Liuhua Holdings Chlor-alkali Chemical Industrial Park started successfully.
Wang Yi, Secretary of the County Party Committee of Luzhai County, Luo Gesheng, Vice Chairman and General Manager of the Industrial Group Company, Yuan Zhigang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of Liuhua Holding Company, Jia Hongyu, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Mayor of Luzhai County, Pi Youliang, Deputy General Manager of Guangxi Xinning Railway Project Management Co., Ltd., a project agent construction unit, and leaders of other Liuhua Holding companies attended the groundbreaking ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Wei Wei, deputy general manager of Liuhua Holding Company. 
At the groundbreaking ceremony, Yuan Zhigang introduced the basic situation of the project. He pointed out that the "Special Railway Line Project" that sounded the clarion call for project construction is a key infrastructure construction project of Liuhua Chlor-Alkali Chemical Industrial Park. The project has a total land area of 5.63 hectares and a total investment of nearly 60 million yuan, including lines, land, warehousing, etc. The construction of other supporting projects can achieve a total railway arrival and shipment volume of 1 million tons/year after completion. Yuan Zhigang said,"In the future, we will devote ourselves to the project construction work with a more vigorous working state and indomitable hard work to win the final victory of the project construction."
On behalf of the construction agent, Pi Youliang promised that he would adhere to the concept of "high standards, strict requirements, science, and practical work", actively explore new construction models and technical management innovations, improve the level of project quality and safety management and control, and be safe, high-quality, efficient, and complete the construction tasks on schedule.
On behalf of the Luzhai County Party Committee and County Government, Jia Hongyu expressed the government's concerns and work requirements for this project. She hoped that all parties would give full play to their own advantages, carefully organize, and carry out scientific construction to realize the completion and opening to traffic as soon as possible, providing strong support for the transformation and upgrading of Luzhai and the expansion of the total economic volume. nbsp;
On behalf of the industrial group, Luo Gesheng congratulated the start of the project, and encouraged Liuhua to take the special railway line project as a new starting point, further promote industrial transformation and upgrading, actively integrate into the industrial development pattern of the autonomous region and Liuzhou City, focus on the deployment of key industrial "3+3" work tasks of Liuzhou City, actively show new achievements on the new journey of integrating into the city's "125" project, and strive to create a new situation for the magnificent construction of Liuzhou in the new era. Strive to turn the grand blueprint drawn up by General Secretary Xi Jinping for us into a beautiful reality. Source: Liuhua Holdings