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Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Strictly control the second batch of hydrofluorocarbon chemical production and construction projects

Source: Chemical Industry State
February 19, 2024, 10:13 AM
Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a letter to solicit opinions on the "Notice on Strictly Control of the Second Batch of Hydrofluorocarbon Chemical Production and Construction Projects (Draft for Comments)".

Notice on Strict Control of the Second Batch of Hydrofluorocarbon Chemical Production and Construction Projects (Draft for Comments)

In order to effectively implement the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on the Management of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), the second batch of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) chemical production and construction projects and strengthening the environmental management of related construction projects are hereby notified as follows:

1. Starting from x, x, 2024, all localities are not allowed to build or expand chemical production facilities for HFCs listed in Annex 1 for controlled purposes such as refrigerants and blowing agents (excluding chemical production facilities that generate HFCs incidentally during the production process, i.e., by-product facilities), except for those whose environmental impact report (form) has been approved.

2. If the completed chemical production facilities for HFCs listed in Annex 2 for controlled purposes need to be rebuilt or constructed in a different location, the original production capacity of HFCs shall not be increased or new types of HFCs products listed in Annex 2 for controlled purposes shall be added.

3. HFCs generated by trial production of HFCs chemical production facilities listed in Annex 2 for controlled purposes shall also be included in quota management and can be used and sold only after corresponding quotas have been obtained in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations.

4. In addition to being used as raw materials, HFCs generated by chemical production facilities of HFCs listed in By-product Annex 2 should also be included in quota management for controlled purposes. Corresponding quotas can only be used and sold after obtaining corresponding quotas in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations; or destroyed and disposed of, and shall not be directly discharged.

5. If it is really necessary to build or expand HFCs chemical production facilities (excluding by-product facilities) listed in Annex 2 for controlled purposes due to special needs, approval shall be made by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in conjunction with relevant departments.

6. Enterprises that violate the above regulations shall be punished in accordance with the Regulations on the Management of Ozone Depleting Substances. Source: Chemical Industry State