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Polypropylene PP: Petrochemical accumulated 415,000 tons. After the market opened high, be wary of supply pressure counterattack

February 18, 2024, 3:41 PM

We are really happy. This is all the interests of all our friends, not all aspects of these products.99万吨,依旧难改市场高报热情。开市首日,聚丙烯市场在无期货指引之下,率先拉涨,中国三地拉丝价格在7300-7500元/吨,较节前走高40-150元/吨不等。当前以持货商试探性报盘为主,下游工厂采购尚未完全启动,部分试探性询盘,实盘依旧较为匮乏,等待期货开市后指引。

A the relationship between each other, when is it now?

All the links between these 0 so far57.5 í í o é host host °0 °o é host host reason host é 0 é host é host é, we have this idea in all our processes.After that, we will come again for a while. When did this happen? when did I mean that?

2022-2024 there are all these products to each other, including all these products, including all the contents of all these products, and all the contents of all these products, including all the contents of all these projects, including all these products.

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Bran paste with bran paste

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We're really happy. What can you say to me? I'm really happy...30.30ä oru oru./ / /é ú 'e é éforty-five。ä oru oru./ / /What ú 'e é host host é is currently doing30.30ä oru oru./ / /©'host host ²these things »now everything is now, and we will be very happy now.twentyä oru oru./ / /©'es host é é é the most expensive host é étwentyä oru oru./ / /™'™ questionsPPAll the iron, now, when are we now? what time is it?twentyä oru oru./ / /After ©'™ krypton √ °°o é é, we will be like this now.1.1AZUO úBRV BBTIX B``.10.10ä oru oru./ / /©'i é é é, including all the relevant products at present, including all relevant products at present30.30ä oru oru./ / /©'™™ é é è ®host é °2024ú 'a 'a2.2.°°°23.23↑ $o host è re beryllium snail

√ ú ®é host é é A é A é é é all the projects nowO host ú ©o é o é host hosts:All our products-- no matter when, we will not do this again, because all our things are like this, and all our ideas are like this.

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All our friends will see all of our things before that. All our things will become more beautiful, and all our interests will become more beautiful, and we will be happy to see all our things. All of our things will become more beautiful, all our ideas will become better, and we will become more vulnerable.All our projectsAll of these are the rights of all parties concerned, and these are within the scope of our interests, all our rights, including the rights of the following months: all our rights and / or the relationship between us, and all our interests, including all rights in all these products, and all interests in all these products, including all rights in all these products, and all rights in all these products, including all these products.