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National Development and Reform Commission interprets carbon peak pilot construction plan

Source: Sinochem New Network
November 21, 2023, 10:15 AM
On November 16, the National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference for November. Li Chao, deputy director and spokesperson of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, interpreted the recently released "National Carbon Peak Pilot Construction Plan".

Li Chao said that in the past three years since General Secretary Xi Jinping made the major declaration of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, all regions and departments have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, built and completed a "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and solidly promoted the "Top Ten Actions to Peak Carbon", and the work in the "double carbon" field has started well and is progressing smoothly. At the same time, it should also be noted that each region has different development foundations, energy structures, industrial types, resource endowments, etc., and there is no "one-size-fits-all" green and low-carbon transformation plan or path; although 31 provinces, autonomous regions and cities across the country have formulated implementation plans for the region's carbon peak, there are still many tasks that need to be further refined and explored at the city and park levels.

Li Chao said that carrying out carbon peak pilot construction can effectively stimulate the initiative and creativity of cities and parks, focus on green and low-carbon transformation, explore effective experiences and practices, and help achieve the "double carbon" goal. It should be particularly pointed out that the focus of the carbon peak pilot construction is to explore effective methods to support the pilot areas to achieve the "double carbon" goal in the process of promoting high-quality development; rather than "talking about carbon based on carbon", simply based on peak time or peak value to measure the effectiveness of work.

Li Chao emphasized that the "Plan" requires pilot areas to reasonably set work goals and construction tasks in key areas such as energy, industry, energy conservation, construction, and transportation based on their own functional positioning, location characteristics, resource endowments and economic development levels. In terms of project construction, a number of key projects are planned and implemented mainly in the fields of energy infrastructure, energy conservation and carbon reduction renovation, and advanced technology demonstrations, forming strong support for the pilot work. In terms of scientific and technological innovation, it is mainly to guide enterprises to strengthen the demonstration and application of green and low-carbon advanced technologies and vigorously cultivate green and low-carbon industries. Regions with conditions must also actively innovate the promotion and application mechanism of green and low-carbon technologies and strengthen the training of professional talents. In terms of policy mechanisms, the main focus is to accelerate the establishment and improvement of fiscal, financial, investment, price policies and carbon emission management mechanisms to promote green development, and accelerate the development level of green and low-carbon cycles.

It is reported that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant parties to solidly carry out the construction of carbon peak pilot projects, supervise and guide pilot cities and parks to promote various key tasks, promptly sort out, summarize and promote valuable experience models, typical cases and successful practices, and help achieve it as scheduled."Double Carbon" goal. Source: Sinochem New Network