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Polypropylene PP: Long and short shifts, the market turning point is approaching, and the market is looking forward in the short and medium term

October 8, 2023, 11:54 AM

All our interestsThere will never be too many, because all of us will become more exhausted, and we will all be happy to see all our interests, because when will our relationship do this?

√ host host (host)

We won't do it now, because I won't do it again. I don't mean what I mean.Is it supposed to be some time?10 there will never be too many decisions, because when will our relationship be able to do this, and when will our relationship be able to do this, including: 10 °6 °°°√√ °°√√ NYMEX?

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We're really happy. Now all of our ideas will be better, and all our interests will be better, and all our interests will be better, and we will all become more exhausted, all our ideas will become more beautiful, all of us will become more exhausted.

Now, now, when our relationship is, that's what we do.

™belongs to bran host ú neodymium bran. Electronic products between electronic products all the time now, all of our time is like this.10 °Sweet 8™√, please, please, please.86 é í oru oru host é é host é host é é always. é é é í í host host é í host í host è host ú 63.81 ™:?8 ©'salary ¥C "√ é é é √ é é ú ≈ now we're going to be even more exhausted, now. We won't do it now, because we won't do it anymore, because all of us will.We have a lot of fun, but we have a lot of money.130 í í oru oru/o ú 'o °host host é é é o é é é utututututututututututututututututututututsutsutsutoThe lean and beautiful plant, all our rights, including all our rights and / or other rights in the following months, including all rights and / or rights relating to us, and all interests in all these products, including all of the following aspects: (all our relevant information and / or all related processes, all of which are all aspects of the process in which we are involved).All our interests

2023 °'9: neodymium host é é í now all these products-now these are our friends now, when can we do this?

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All the time.

I don't know if I'm going to be married.

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I am sorry to say é é é ↑≈.(è has always believed)



2023 ™'9 °contains

√® all o ™per country is now becoming more and more.



2023 ™'9 °contains

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El Dor al Oluforty

2023 ™'9 °contains

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one hundred and thirty。

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Besides, we don't know when we can do it yet.

All our productsBOPP、塑编等行业利润薄弱,且10月份是需求由强转弱的拐点期,中下旬起下游主要行业订单将会季节性逐步缩量,对于原料需求相应转弱。在原料下跌初现端倪的情况下,下游厂家多小单刚需采购为主,上游排库进程相对迟缓。投机性需求来看,此前中游整体库存维持中低位水平,但短期难见利好之下,中间商更多选择抛货而不是建库,进一步压制市场走势。

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A °host ú ton √ é è s °°é é, all of these, all of thesePPå ̧‚ æœ oåˆ © ç © o压 æˆ ¶æ˜Ž æ˜ ¾ï¼Œ çŸ ð期 çŽ ° е ́ §å ̧‚ æœ o或 Å °† is ¢ä ̧ ́回 is°ƒ is μ °åŠ â€‚ ä ̧ é• I have ¥Çœ‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ 曛 ¦oï ¦Œ ä ̧ ̧å› ½èš ä ̧™ çƒ- - -ƒ½ç»§ç»­å¤§å¹… æ‰ ©å Α 。 10月 ä ̧‹ æ— ¬ 随 着 æ— oå £è?› æ… ¥å°¾å£°ï¼Œ ä ̧‹ Æ ̧ ̧各 ç »† 戆 is!Œ ä ̧š ŠŠŀ Ñ · ¥è ́Ÿ It is· 逐 æ ¥ä ̧‹ is™ ï ¿1⁄2Œ PP需 Æ ±‚ ä1Ÿ is€ Æ奣节 æ€ §è1⁄2¬å¬¬±ã€‚ 曛 Å£åo¦ä ̧å› ½ç» ÆμŽ Å ® is §‚ æ” ç– æˆ– ä » 有 æŠ å ®ž æ” ç– It is ½åœ °ï ¿Œ 1st of JulyŽ isœ€ Æ ±‚ 有 托 æo• ä 1⁄2œ ç” â â   Øååå– ï ¿1⁄2Œ 成 æœ "Oh yeah "¥Çœ‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ Ø°1⁄2管è?‘ 期 掟 Øå21§§è·Œï ¿1⁄2Œ ä 1⁄2† ä ̧ o ̧ o ̧ o ¥Çœ‹ æœ ̈减 äo§ еƒŒ æ™ ̄ ä ̧‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ æ› ½é™… Ø21ä » · ä » 有 æ” ̄撑 À€‚ is?„ It is›› Å£åo¦ä ̧å› ½èš ä ̧™ çƒ ̄å ̧‚ æœ oå °† ä ɑš 摈 çŽ and "˜ ä 1⁄2 isœ‡ It is â μ °å...€ is ¢ã€‚ is‡ ç‚ 1å… 3æ3 ̈æ– °äo § eƒ ½æŠ• æ” ¾è¿› æo¦ã€ ä ̧Š Æ ̧ ̧成 æœ ¬å˜ 挖 À€‚