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Tu Duoduo PP Industry Weekly-No. 20230914

September 14, 2023, 5:45 PM

√ host ú: oru host é é è re

√ √ é host é host é host í í °°host, host host, √, host, host.50-150 √√ iron / iron C host host ú √ é host é host host é host host °μ host host cake * √ u é é éAbout...7900-8150 congee pulp / porridge-√ iron looAll of this has become more beautiful, and all of our ideas are like this.8月CPI同比反弹至3.7%,核心CPI环比六个月来首次加速上涨;华尔街普遍认为下周美联储或不加息,但警惕今年内动手。而中国方面,前期各种财政刺激政策密集落地后,市场在利多交易完成后,进入观察效果的窗口期,汇率、股市等货币金融市场表现及预期均对商品市场短线形成扰动。而基本面来看,当前面临的主要矛盾点在于高成本与需求跟进乏力之间的博弈。一方面,国际油价及煤炭价格一路上涨,助推企业生产成本步步高升。而石化方面,挺价撑市甚至在盘面走好之下配合拉涨意图表现明显,场内货源成本不断上涨。但另一方面,尽管处于需求旺季,但价格连续快速大幅上涨之后抑制买盘追涨拿货积极性,市场走货难度提升。而一旦盘面不稳,投机性需求消失,甚至前期囤货中间商出现让利抢跑现象,对于市场形成利空。而石化本周期内,库存消化缓慢也一定程度印证了市场的消费能力。综合影响下,预计下周中国PP市场宽幅震荡运行为主,关注商品情绪变化。

Now, when is it, we will be better now, when is it now?

(1) what time are we now? that's what I'm doing now. That's what I'm doing. My idea is...

é é °A (.)

O: O pulp

9.9.°°°8.It's really too much.

9.9.°°°14.It's really too much.

Why would I do that?

All the time.




é é é




All the time.




√ √ é host é host é host í í °°host, host host, √, host, host.50-150 √√ iron / iron C host host ú √ é host é host host é host host °μ host host cake * √ u é é éAbout...7900-8150元/吨不等。市场周内主要驱动点在:1.成本继续走高。沙特延长额外减产期限继续带来利好支撑,且俄罗斯表示削减供应的立场坚定,欧佩克对主要经济体能源需求的弹性持乐观态度,欧美原油期货继续上涨。近期安全检查频繁,整体煤炭供应水平稍有缩减。叠加港口报价上涨,带动坑口情绪升温,到矿拉运车辆增多,煤矿销售情况有所好转,部分煤矿随之上调煤价,煤炭价格延续涨势。2. √√ 2 é √√ é √√ é »√ ú ä »Mt.↑ host host ownership °°√ host é é host é ututo é host é host é, they respectively represent all their thoughts.50-100% iron / iron / iron, iron, iron,Zero °↑ °°°©©o é é é è res °°°…é é é8 °all our purposes8月宏观数据向好,股市及商品市场重归涨势提振现货市场信心。PP期货主力01合约连续刷新近期高点,周三突破8000关口后,盘中最高达8089,创2月中旬以来新高,对于现货市场带动作用明显。周三午后起,随着对欧美加息担忧再起,盘面自高位回落,现货方面由于期货不稳,市场追涨拿货意愿萎缩至低位,成交不力之下,期现两市双双回调。

O é ←1.1è re °é o é s é o é o é é o é o é o é

(2) now all these projects

√ host é ú cocos ç é host é hostPpo é é é:√ é √√ é utututututhhuru √ é é host é é host é é host í í a í °°What are their respective signals?10. All our rights, including all our rights, and all rights in all these products, including all rights in all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including the following items: (we) all these products, all of these are our relationships.

è, right?2 è all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products.

é é °°A (.)

A&A/C §

9.9.°°°8.Make up your mind / ✓

9.9.°°°14.Make up your mind / ✓


°é é °

A few years

940 °0 10 °

-you know what?

O °±è s




What time is it now? what time are we now? when is all the time now?

Provide relevant information.PP2-PP24010 and related AMagol C, E é «now, we, now, we will.It's really too much.PP2-PP24010 °the relationship between all of our products√ host host Austria production μ ö o °I host host 1.7950O really what is it now? what is it now?

A,S è re é é °interests between these products, as well as é é é bran bran utut.

é é éI think, when am I now?A * A _ C> o °0 é e é host °©é these are related to production now, and now we have become more and more.62.5 á í r é ututo host host √ é host é host host é hostNow, all our interests

è, right?3 é-3 é host é banned all of these products-- all of these products and the products of Amax C are supposed to be exquisite products now, and now, now, we have become more important.

é é é °

A / O é host host contains:

I don't know if I'm going to be married.

What time is it now?

é host, è re é é

A é e é e é °the food between 0

Eldor Ali Olney


2006 ™'8 °2 °¥


Really, right now, we are.

All these products, An and C


2021 í'11 °hunger strike 12 °


√ μ ohost é é among others

El Dor al Olu


2022 í '2 °hunger strike 8 °¥


√ μ ohost é é among others

Host hosts:


2022 í '4 °Bran Shuttle


Olympian ©©'`¥electronic products, now.

El Dor al Olu


2022 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen


é °res $← °°

A °°°:


2023 í '2 °hunger strike 16 °


O é §o / o

Host hosts:


2023 í '6 °hunger strike 13 °¥

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 18 yen

è now, what time is it, and what is it now?

Eldor Ali Olney


2023 í'7 °hunger strike 11 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 12 °

é °°μ / °°

A °°°:


2023 í'7 °hunger strike 18 °


Orr ®bran ¥o ©ö ®bran ö o è μ O °.

El Dor al Olu


2023 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 20 pence

Orr ®bran ¥o ©ö ®bran ö o è μ O °.

Host hosts:


2023 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 20 pence

O é §o / o

El Dor al Olu


2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 6 yen

2023 ™'9 °hunger strike 13 yen

O O 0 °°A

A °°°:


2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 10 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 14 °

The interests between all these products, as well as the related interests

El Dor al Olu


2023 í'8 °hunger strike 11 °calorie


O °°°é é °°

è currently related to A _ mai An and C


2023 í '8 °hunger strike 12 °


`° °°°

I. I. í: oru:


2023 í '8 °hunger strike 13 °¥


Why is it easier?

El Dor al Olu


2023 í '8 °hunger strike 26 °

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 12 °

O o ©©'`¥0 °

A °°°:


2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 31 yen

2023 ™'11 °°1

°μ °°°

Host hosts:


2023 í'9 °hunger strike 5 ²

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 15 °

R é °°

A °°°:


2023 í'9 °hunger strike 6 °

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 12 °

At present, there is a copy of the current AMagi C Magi E

El Dor al Olu


2023 ™'9 °hunger strike 7 yen


ä í í í é é ≈ é: ™ú ä ®host í í é

``what 's going on?


2023 ™'9 °hunger strike 7 yen


Host é is poor, now, what time is it

A °°°:


2023 ™'9 °Bran Shuttle 9

2023 ™'9 °hunger strike 13 yen

è now, what time is it, and what is it now?

Host hosts:


2023 í'9 °hunger strike 10 ²

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 17 °¥

Now, when are we, what are we?

Host hosts:


2023 í'9 °hunger strike 11 °calorie


í í o °μ °°é é

Host hosts:


2023 í'9 °hunger strike 12 °

2023 í'10 °hunger strike 10 °¥

A,S What time is it now?

3.1 è krypton √ all these products, what time is it now? why are we so happy now?

All of us, all of us, like all our rights, and all our interests, and all our rights, and all the contents of all these products, and all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products, and all these and all related products, including all these products, and all these beautiful products, and all our related rights, and all our rights and all related rights, and all our relevant rights and all related rights.

That's what I mean. What do I mean?√ ú √√ host host é é ←BOPP é √ é «√ é é √ Why? why?√ host é é krypton √ é é √ 10400-10600About.A (.)``....At 100, I think,.Now, when can we see these things now?°°host é oru oru hostsBOPP (BOPP)We are really happy. When can we do it now? we are really happy. And then we won't do it again, us. Are we really not going to do this again?... these... we... o é host é host é

3.2 è all current interests, including all these projects, as well as the benefits of all these products

Here are all our rights: all of this is because of all our interests, and that's why I've become like this. I'm really happy. All my money will never change again. That's what we're gonna be.

A,Cè s é é ututa é é é °é é é ó x é é é bran utut.

4.1 é / s / o / o

√ é è s krypton9 will never let us know what we think, because all our products will become more beautiful, because all our interests will be better, because we won't do anything more, we won't say anything, will we say anything more? what is our relationship?

O é ←2.2.Besides, we don't know what we think.è μ °é é

4.2 A, A, B, C, E, E, I, E, I


A,S Besides, when can we do this? the relationship between us now

All of this has become more beautiful, and all of our ideas are like this.8月 CPI同 æ ̄” 揍 1⁄41‡ ³3.7%, æ ̧å ¿ƒ CPIçŽ ̄æ ̄” æ… ðä ̃ a月 æ ¥é ¦– Æ¬åŠ is€Ÿ ä ̧Š æ ¶ ̈ï› æŽ Å °” is!— æ™ ®é is ® ¤ä ̧ oä ̧‹ æ‘ ¨ç¾Ž It is” æ‚ ̈或 ä ̧ æŠ æ ¯ï¼Œ ä 1⁄2† is ¦ƒ• ä »Š Å1 ́内 æŠ ̈手 À€‚ It is€Œ ä ̧ ̧å› ½æ– 1é ¢ï¼Œ 才 期 搄 ç § It is” åˆ oæ?€ æ” ç– æ ̄† is›† It is ½åœ °åŽ ï ¿1⁄2Œ æ ̧‚ æœ oåœ ̈åˆ ©åÿš äo ʻ易 Å ®Œ 成 搎 ï ¿1⁄2Œ is?› æ… ¥è §‚ æ ̄Ÿ 效 果 的 this— æ It's not like you're here.œŸ ï ¿1⁄2Œ Æ ±‡ 率 À€ It is‚ Å ̧‚ ç‰ It is is‡‘ It isž æ ̧‚ æœ oé ̈ ççŽ °åŠ is?„ 期 杇 Å ̄ 1商 擁 æ ̧‚ æœ oçŸ- - - -ˆæ‰ °åŠ â â   It is€Œ æŸ oæœ ¬ é ¢æ ¥Çœ‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ Å 1 ⁄ 2“ 才 is ¢æ ̧ ¢æ 暄 "... "çŸ› ç› ¾ç‚ 1åœ ̈äoŽ is "˜æˆ æœ ¬ ä ̧Ž isœ€ Æ ±‚ is ·Ÿis?› ä1 抛 ä1‹ is— '的 捚 ŠŠň À€‚ ä ̧€ æ– 1é ¢ï¼Œ æ› ½é™… Æ21ä » ·åŠ ç… ¤ç‚ « » · « »€ e · ̄Š æ ¶ ̈ïŒ æŠ ©æŽ ¨ä¼ ä ̧š 生 äo§æˆ æœ ¬æ­¥æ­¥é »˜ 捇 À€‚ It is€Œ çŸ 3化 æ– 1é ¢ï¼Œ æŒ oä » ·æ’‘ æ ̧‚ 甚 It is‡ 3åœ ̈ ç盘 is ¢èµ°å¥½ä¹‹ ä ̧‹ is… 搈 拉 Æ ¶ ̈意 æ› ¾è¡¨çŽ °æ˜Ž æ˜ ¾ï¼Œ æœ o内 It is 成 æœ ¬ ä ̧ æ– ðä ̧Š à ̈ ̈ ¶   ä 1⁄2† æ ¦ ä ̧€ æ– 1é ¢ï¼Œ Ø°1⁄2ç®¡å„ äoŽ isœ€ Æ ±‚ æ— ºå­£ï¼Œ ä 1⁄2† ä » ·æ 1⁄4è ¿ž ç »å « 速 § § 1… ä ̧Š Æ ̈ ¶ä1‹ 搎 抑 æˆ ¶ä1°ç›˜ is ⁄ 2 ⁄ 2‹ I'm going tož æ€ §ï ¿1⁄2Œ æ ̧‚ æœ oèμ°è ́§éš ¾åº¦æ 捇 À€‚ It is€Œ ä ̧€ æ— ¦ 盘 is ¢ä ̧ ç ̈ 3ï ̧Œ 投 æœ oæ€ § 需 Æ ±‚ Æ ¶ˆ ø±ïøŒ 甚 It is‡ 3前 期 æ› ¤è ́§ä ̈ ̈— å ́•† æ‡ oçŽ °è ® ©åˆ ©æŠ ¢è ·‘çŽ °è ± ¡ï ¿1⁄2Œ 1st of JulyŽ æ ̧‚ æœ ºå½¢æˆ æˆ © ç © o。 It is€Œ çŸ 3化 æœ ¬å‘ ̈期 憅 ï ¿1⁄2Œ æo“ ¦˜ Æ ¶ˆ 挖 с е т ь“ æ… ¢ä1Ÿ ä ̧€ Å ®š ç ̈‹ æo¦å ° is äo† æ ̧‚ æœ o的 Æ ¶ˆ is 1stƒ ½åŠ› À€‚ ç »åˆ Å1⁄2 ±å“ ä ̧‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ is?„ is ®‹ æ‘ ̈ä ̧å› ½PP市 æœ ºå®½å¹… isœ‡ It is is? is!Œ ä ̧ o ̧ o ̧ »ï ̧Œ æ… 3æ3 ̈商 擁 情 ç » a变 挖 À€‚