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Tu Duoduo PE Industry Weekly-No. 20230810

August 10, 2023, 5:00 PM

√ host ú: oru host é é è re

é host é, and host é and host é host.Before 50% medulla / O your host host, please host host, host目前原油高位运行、煤炭价格止跌,而两油库存目前维持在相对低位,两油继续挺价支撑市场。需求端来讲,下游开工虽缓慢恢复,但仍处于淡旺季转换阶段,在盘面涨跌不定之下,终端采取刚需拿货策略,且对于略高价格抵触情绪依旧较强,需求不能同步放量抑制行情上行空间。综合影响下,预计短期中国塑料市场震荡运行为主。

A,S,A,A,S,A,A,Sé é o é é

(1) what time are we now? that's what I'm doing now, because the relationship between us is. 0 'now. I am now. I am now.

é é °A (.)


O: O pulp

8.°°°4.4It's really too much.

8.°°°10.10It's really too much.

Why would I do that?

A _ √ _ _

All the time.



-20Universe 50

é é é



-10 Melody 20

All the time.



-50pa 0

é «all ideas

All the time.




é é é



-50pa 0

All the time.



100.100/ 0

é é °°

All the time.




é é é




All the time.



0max Murray 50

é host é bran °°°

All the time.

8090TX 8090-you know what?ninety00.


-40 /100.100

é é é

8050th 8050-you know what?9500.


-50pa 0

All the time.




é host é, and host é and host é host.50% pulp / porridge / $O bran bran snail√ host é krypton host host ú-√ é host host é é host é host é which is the most expensive host in √ ú oru oru é 8100-8500.About.What time is it now for the production screw è to which √ oru é «belongs?8800-9050 √™ √™ host host ç utree √ »√ é √ 8200-9050 ö pulp / O pulp host ú = 8000-10100 Olympium √ prohibitions on the relationship between each other√ é è s krypton(8) make a decision...All our interestsAll C ©these é é é è s °all of these, and all of them, and all of them.10家中小型银行信用评级,中国出口数据不佳之下,文华商品向下测试支撑,塑料期货周内连日回调,一度跌破8100,对于现货市场利空作用明显。贸易商后市担忧情绪增加,部分让利出货抢跑市场,预售资源普遍较低。但价格的下行并未换得成交放量,下游买涨不买跌情绪表现明显,市场走货速度不快。下半周随着原油拉高,中国PPI数据释放利好,期现两市在经过回调之后试探性上涨,但现货高报之下成交跟进迟缓,故反弹力度稍有不足。

O é ←1.1Ai é é °°é é °é °é °é °μ °o é host é o é o é é é all current electronic products.

(2) now all these projects

√ host é ú cocos ç é host é hostAfter PEO, now.All the ways between each other25 °°0 °O °/ é √ host host yield ¥O production shuttleAfter that, all of our products will become more beautiful, these are all our friends, these are our interests, including all the rights in all these products, and all the rights in all these products, these are all our rights, these are our relationships, and all the interests of all these products, including the following projects: all of our products, including the following projects: (us) all the content of all these products.

è, right?2 è all these products, including all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products, as well as these products.

é é °°A (.)

A&A/C §

8.°°°4.4It's really too much.

8.°°°10.10It's really too much.


A _ √ _ _



-5./ / /10.10

é «all ideas



-5./ / /25.

é é °°



twenty/ 0

What time is it now? what time are we now? 3 é has been like this for a while now.

All our thoughts8 be different from our rights, including our rights, and all our rights, including all our rights, and all our rights, including all relevant products, including all related products, including the following: (we) all these products, including the following items: (all of our information about all these products, including the following): (we) all these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all of these products, including the following items: (we) all

A,S Besides, we won't do it anymore. We have all our friends now. What is it now?

000. [0] [.] [0] [0] [0] [..] [0] [...] [...After 6.04%, now

è, right?3 é 3 é é all these products & gt>,C,C,A,C,C,C

é é host ú oru oru oru

é é é °

√ £ú ä ®è about the A & G C ®of G?

√ £ú ä ®ä recent è ↑←

What time is it now?

é host, è re é é

O °°°é é °°

è what things?Apoltear, sur, Adel, yar, Adoll, Hall.


2014 ™'6 °pure 12 yen

Why, what time is it?

Thank you.



2021 í'10 °hunger strike 15 °¥

®®®tons, no matter when.

√ μ ohost é é among others



2022 í '4 °Bran Shuttle

®®®tons, no matter when.

A é §O °°°é °°

A, Asia Pacific region, Ari Baba.


2023 í '6 °hunger strike 10 ²

®®®tons, no matter when.

Between fluorine, now, now...



2023 í '6 °hunger strike 15 °

2023 í'8 °hunger strike 15 °¥

Between fluorine, now, now...

↑ °O °/ 0 °/ 0 °/ 0 °/ 0 °


2023 í '6 °hunger strike 12 °

2023 í'8 °hunger strike 15 °¥

Please »√ ö ®and è host é now



2023 ™'7 °0 °1 °¥

2023 í '8 °hunger strike 14 °

Orr ®bran ¥o ©monitor ®√ ö é é é bran °.



2023 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 20 pence

Orr ®bran ¥o ©monitor ®√ ö é é é bran °.



2023 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 20 pence

é host é ututu °°



2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 7 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 11 °calorie

Make a decision, and then we will become like this.



2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 7 yen

2023 ™'8 °pure pure 18 yen




2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 7 yen

2023 í '8 °hunger strike 17 °¥

é ≈ è ↑≈↑ zero °°



2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 10 yen

2023 ™'9 °hunger strike 13 yen

A,S è re é é °°active host é active é é °°

3.1 è Krypton host é °all current products, including í í ci é é

√ √ ú oru é é é í í domestic host countries á ®Now, when can we do it now?9.9.The relationship between 500-10200 pith (us) and us now. The 10200-10200 medulla means of production and the means of production and other related rights between us, including all the contents of the following aspects: 500-10200 ö medullary ™é é é ™™ICH é √®® é é é √®® é é é, all our relics include all the information between us, everything between us is good, and everything between us is different.é é é í í í ú customers PE ö °°°é neodymium ≈é °°°Neodymium √√ host / μ ·è re / °°

3.2 è recent host host é currently all of these products, including all these items-host é é é proprio-interests between An and C, A é è ®®.

All the interests between An and C of all √ host é host host í ó s é í hosts í í interests é é í hosts è res é ú ©©, and all of these products.·oru? ö °ú ←√√ é host host ú ≈√ é «.0.5% o ·forbidden host é:All these productsThe interrelation between them.1.5.5.Our products include all of the following months: (%) all of these products, including the following items: a, C, C, C...The interrelation between them.0.3.Our products include the following itemsé host é é0.9% TX 0.9%√ é é host é o. O °é é é °°é host é é1.2%What do you mean now?

A,CAi é é é °°°é é °ó x é é é bran these.

√ é è s kryptonNever let us know what we think, because all our products will become more brilliant, because all our time will be better, because all our time will be better, we will no longer be when, we will not do this again, because we will not become more brilliant because of our interests, so we will become more exhausted, let us become more exhausted, we will become better.

O é ←2.2.Besides, we don't know what we think.è μ °é é

4.2 A, A, B, C, E, E, I, E, I

è all rights to all of our products, including all relevant aspects of the following aspects: ``00000.000Cash 2. All the content of all of our products has changed for the better, all of these are the rights of all of our products, these are all of ours.60th‡ æ â €œâ €… ç1⁄2 ®æ•… isšœ 恜 is1⁄2 ¦Œ ä ̧ ̧å› ½å¸‚ æœ oæ• ´ä½“ ä3⁄4› æo” 有 所 懏 Å °‘ ï ¿1⁄2Œ 搎 期 is?˜ isœ€ æ… 3æ3 ̈åœ o内 is £… ç1⁄2®è ¿ is!Œ 情 æ† µï¼Œ isœ€ Æ ±‚ is ¢æ ¥Çœ‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ « »Ÿ ä ̧‹ Æ ̧ ̧æ• ´ä½“ isœ€ Æ ±‚ ä ̧ is § 明 æ˜ ¾æ” ¾é‡ ï ¿1⁄2Œ Æ ±Ÿ It is‹ æ– ̄å °” is‚ ¦ 80 is‡ æ ̈ MTOè £… ç1⁄2®è ¿‘ 期 有 is‡ æ ̄ е ® ¡åˆ’ ï ¿1⁄2Œ æŠ ä1‹ isƒ ̈分 çƒ ̄ 烃 is £… ç1⁄2 ®è ́Ÿ It is·æ 捇 ä ̧ i ̧Œ çƒ ̄ 烃 isœ€ Æ ±‚ ¦˜ 梞 æŠ is?„ 期 ï ¿1⁄2Œ 搎 期 is?˜ isœ€ æ… 3æ3 ̈åœ o内 çƒ ̄ 烃 is £… ç1⁄2 ®è ́Ÿ It is·å˜ 挖 揊 is‡ æ ̄ е ® ¡åˆ’ It is ½å®ž 情 æ† μ。 ç› å ®‰ æ ¥Çœ‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ 成 æœ ¬ é ¢æ” ̄撑 ç ̈ 3å ®š ï ¿1⁄2Œ ä3⁄4› æo” is ¢åˆ ©å¥1⁄2å ̧‚ æœ ºï¼Œ isœ€ Æ ±‚ « » « »˜ 梞 æŠ is?„ 期 ï ¿1⁄2Œ æœ o内 ä ̧š It is€… æ ¿ƒ 态 有 所 æ” ̄撑 ï ¿1⁄2Œ is?„ is ® ¡çŸ ð期 ç” 2醇 æ ̧‚ æœ ºä»·æ ¼æˆ– is "˜ ä 1⁄2 æ• '理 ï ¿1⁄2Œ 搎 期 is?˜ isœ€ æ ̄† 戇 æ… 3æ3 ̈å ® is §‚ is ¢ã€ ç… ¤ç‚ »Š æœ o内 is £… ç1⁄2®è ¿ is!Œ 情 æ† μ。

ç я я о” ç » It isš ä1™ çƒ ̄ е μ °åŠ is ¢„ Æμ‹

ç› å ®‰ 掟 "21st "˜ä 1⁄2 is? is!Œ À€ ç… ¤ç‚ « »Œ ï ¿1⁄2Œ It is€Œ ä ̃ ̃æ21åo“ ¦˜ ç› å ®‰ ç » ́持 æœ ̈ çç› ¸å¯¹ä½Ž ä 1⁄2 ï ¿1⁄2Œ « 21 »Œ oä » ·æ” ̄撑 æ ̧‚ æœ o。 isœ€ Æ ±‚ "I 'm going to ¥è®²ï¼Œ ä ̧‹ æ ̧ ̧å ̧€ Å · ¥è™ ½ç¼“ æ… ¢æ ¢å ð ï ¿1⁄2Œ ä 1⁄2† ä » ã ã ㄠäoŽ Æ · Æ ¡— ºå­£è½¬æ ¢é˜ ¶æ®μï̄Œ æœ ̈ ç盘 is ¢æ ¶ ̈ e ·Œä ̧ Å ®š ä1‹ ä ̧‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ ç »ˆ"I 'm going to‡‡ 揖 戚 isœ€ æ‹ "It 's– ç• ¥ï¼Œ ä ̧” 1st of JulyŽ ç• ¥is »˜ ä » ·æ 1⁄4æŠ μ е § ¦æƒ… ç » aä3⁄4 æ— § е 3⁄4ƒ I'm not sure what I'm talking about.Œ isœ€ Æ ±‚ ä ̧ It isƒ ½åŒ æ ¥æ” ¾é‡ 抑 æˆ ¶ e ¡Œ 情 ä ̧Š is!Œ ç © oé— '。 ç »åˆ Å1⁄2 ±å“ ä ̧‹ ï ¿1⁄2Œ is?„ is ® ¡çŸ ð期 ä ̧ ̧å› ½å¡‘ 料 æ ̧‚ æœ o震 It is is? is!Œ« » » »€‚