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Tu Duoduo PP Industry Weekly-No. 20230810

August 10, 2023, 4:56 PM

√ host ú: oru host é é è re

We will never do it again, because all our ideas are like this.7320-7500 exhibition, now, we will become more brilliant now↑ krypton é è ↑ ú oru pulp.20-30元/吨不等。短期来看,上游原油方面易涨难跌:一方面,欧洲天然气暴涨拉动,且海外机构数据显示沙特自愿减产100万桶/日的执行率较高,且不排除沙特可能在9月后继续深化减产力度,叠加普氏能源调查结果显示7月份OPEC+原油产量降到了近两年低位,国际油价短期依旧处于高位运行,且仍有继续上探可能。而中国石化方面,产量已有两周连续上涨,下周暂无预期检修计划,同时前期停车的燕山一线、烟台万华、青海盐湖陆续复工,场内货源供应将继续增量。而下游主要消费领域塑编行业在内部订单增量不明显外部出口订单较弱且行业利润萎缩之下,短期仍旧维持低开工,下游消费难有起色,市场供需压力小幅增多。综合来看,下周依旧维持高成本与弱供需博弈,预计市场整理运行为主,上下空间不大What do you mean now?

Now, when is it, we will be better now, when is it now?

(1) what time are we now? that's what I'm doing now. That's what I'm doing. My idea is...

é é °A (.)

O: O pulp

8.°°°4.4It's really too much.

8.°°°10.10It's really too much.

Why would I do that?

All the time.


7.7.three hundred and twenty-7.forty-five。0.0

-30-30/ 0

é é é


7.7.thirty-five。0-seven hundred and forty five0.0


All the time.



-20./ 0

We will never do it again, because all our ideas are like this.7320-7500 exhibition, now, we will become more brilliant now↑ krypton é è ↑ ú oru pulp.20-30元/吨不等。市场周内主要驱动点在:1.成本支撑有所松动。沙特和俄罗斯额外减产导致市场对供应持续担忧,将WTI推至去年11月份以来最高,布伦特原油期货创今年1月下旬以来最高。同时煤炭价格止跌趋稳,整体成本端推动作用依旧较强。但石化方面销售压力增大,去库进程放缓小幅累库,截至8月10日两油库存在62万吨,较上周同期58.5万吨增加3.5万吨,增幅5.98%。而期货上行乏力使得煤企率先连续降价,两油尽管下调企业有限,但整体成本支撑松动。2.周内宏观风向复杂多变。全球最具影响力的三大评级机构之一穆迪于8月7日晚间发布报告,下调美国10家中小型银行信用评级,将6家更大型的银行评级列入潜在下调的观察名单,并将11家主流银行的前景展望从稳定改为负面,与意大利拟征收银行“暴利税”的消息一道严重打压周二市场风险情绪。而中国方面,7月出口超预期下跌,打压商品市场气氛,文华商品及股市双双下跌。随着7月中国PPI同比环比降幅均收窄,叠加前期利空消息消化,市场气氛有所恢复,文华商品止跌反弹。3.ä¸‹æ¸¸é«˜ä»·ä¹°å…¥æƒ…ç»ªå‡å¼±ã€‚åœ¨è¿‘æœŸåŽŸæ–™ä»·æ ¼æŒç»­ä¸Šæ¶¨ä¸”æ–°è®¢å•ä¸è¶³ä¹‹ä¸‹ï¼Œæœ‰ä¸ªåˆ«åˆ¶å“ä¼ä¸šåŽ‹ä»·æŠ›å”®æˆå“ï¼Œå¼•å‘è¡Œä¸šåˆ©æ¶¦ä¸‹é™ã€‚ä »¥å¡‘编行业为例截至目前,华东塑编透明袋均价9800元/吨,较7月初上涨100元/吨。而上游原料PP粒(华东拉丝价格)在7330元/吨,较7月初上涨250元/吨。产成品价格涨幅远低于原材料价格涨幅,制品利润被动萎缩。在目前利润压缩至不足50元/吨水平情况下,平、苍两县限产保价也成为当地塑编企业的无奈之举。对原材料采购积极性及对原材料价格的接受程度亦会降低,对聚丙烯市场形成一定利空影响。粉料方面跟随粒料及上游丙烯原料价格同步走弱。截至本周四,华东地区多集中在7200元/吨左右,山东地区多集中在7120元/吨自提,走货疲软。

O é ←1.1è re °é o é s é o é o é é o é o é o é

(2) now all these projects

√ host é ú cocos ç é host é hostPpo é é é:á »√ é o °host é μ °\ Krypton í host\\ host\ °\\%Stop, now, we will become more important.880-890美元/吨左右,涨10美元/吨;共聚价格在940-990美元/吨左右,高端价格涨20美元/吨。周内汇率上涨,人民币小幅贬值,进口成本提高,中国进口商暂未有新进报盘,在前期人民币市场走高之下,美金价格小幅探涨。下游工厂订单增量有限,且内外盘倒挂严重,周内成交寡淡。后市来看,PP美金市场价格短期内需求无明显增长空间,美金价格短线或延续区间震荡走势。

è, right?2 è all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products.

é é °°A (.)

A&A/C §

8.°°°4.4Make up your mind / ✓

8.°°°10.10Make up your mind / ✓


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What time is it now? what time are we now? when is all the time now?

Provide relevant information.PP230.9000 é é è produces products. What time do we have now?It's really too much.PP230.(9) 7383 °printing of 7464 ™√ hosts √ ú √ 7303 ™hosts é utututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututo.Now, when are we, what are we?BOLL è s é é è re √ the relationship between all these members, these products, including all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these projects, as well as all these projects.All relevant information between the ®manufacturer and us, including all relevant information for the following months: 000 o an an o.é 3 é An and C, o é o é £√ each of these products, when the relationship between them is, we will become very happy(1) now all our interestsWhat do you mean now?

A,S è re é é °interests between these products, as well as é é é bran bran utut.

é é éI think, when am I now?A,C,C,A,ESu é ú ≈ bran, these electronic products, all these products, all of these are our projects..14 á í o é host host é é ututo host host ú √ o é é éWhat do you mean now?A é oru oru produces ututo O products è s, which produce all the products between each other, including all of these products, including information for the following months:22 á í oru/o ú é é é °°when it is now, we will become more and more.9 í í o °o é é, and all relevant information in all relevant processes, as well as all the contents of all these products, including the following questions: all of these are different from our relationship, and all relevant rights about us.

è, right?3 é-3 é host é banned all of these products-- all of these products and the products of Amax C are supposed to be exquisite products now, and now, now, we have become more important.

é é é °

A / O é host host contains:

I don't know if I'm going to be married.

What time is it now?

é host, è re é é

A é e é e é °the food between 0

Eldor Ali Olney


2006 ™'8 °2 °¥


Really, right now, we are.

All these products, An and C


2021 í'11 °hunger strike 12 °


√ μ ohost é é among others

El Dor al Olu


2022 í '2 °hunger strike 8 °¥


√ μ ohost é é among others

Host hosts:


2022 í '4 °Bran Shuttle


Olympian ©©'`¥electronic products, now.

El Dor al Olu


2022 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen

2023 í'8 °hunger strike 15 °¥

é °res $← °°

A °°°:


2023 í '2 °hunger strike 16 °


Between fluorine, now, now...

è currently related to A _ mai An and C


2023 ™'6 °°1


O é §O, please μ é ú.

A °°°:


2023 ™'6 °hunger strike 8 yen


O é §o / o

Host hosts:


2023 í '6 °hunger strike 13 °¥


Please »√ ö ®and è host é now

A °°°:


2023 í'7 °hunger strike 4 °

2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 23 yen

è now, what time is it, and what is it now?

Eldor Ali Olney


2023 í'7 °hunger strike 11 yen

2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 30 yen

é °°μ / °°

A °°°:


2023 í'7 °hunger strike 18 °

2023 ™'8 °pure pure 18 yen

When is it now for all the related products?

Host hosts:


2023 ™'7 °hunger strike 30 yen

2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 9 °

Orr ®bran ¥ö è μ O °bran

El Dor al Olu


2023 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 20 pence

Orr ®bran ¥ö è μ O °bran

Host hosts:


2023 í '8 °hunger strike 1 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 20 pence

Now, when are we, what are we?

El Dor al Olu


2023 í '8 °hunger strike

2023 í '8 °hunger strike 13 °¥

O é §o / o

El Dor al Olu


2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 6 yen

2023 í'9 °hunger strike 15 °

é é °

A °°°:


2023 ™'8 °hunger strike 9 °

2023 í '8 °hunger strike 14 °

A,S What time is it now?

3.1 è krypton √ all these products, what time is it now? why are we so happy now?

All of these are all the rights that all of us have to love us, and all the rights to all these products, and all the rights to all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products, and all these products, including all these products, and all these things, and all these will become more beautiful, and all the rights between us, and all our related rights, and all our relevant rights, and all relevant rights between us.

When will these two projects be done?About.All our productsNow, what time are we now?

3.2 è all current interests, including all these projects, as well as the benefits of all these products

All our interestsO host °°pulpBOPP (BOPP)Last host é í í o ·á é host é host ú oru √ host ú oru host ú o ·á Za í o ö ®™host í s í í í o í o í o.

A,Cè s é é ututa é é é °é é é ó x é é é bran utut.

4.1 é / s / o / o

√ é è s kryptonNever let us know what we think, because all our products will become more brilliant, because all our time will be better, because all our time will be better, we will no longer be when, we will not do this again, because we will not become more brilliant because of our interests, so we will become more exhausted, let us become more exhausted, we will become better.

O é ←2.2.Besides, we don't know what we think.è μ °é é

4.2 A, A, B, C, E, E, I, E, I

è all rights to all of our products, including all relevant aspects of the following aspects: ``00000.000Cash 2. All the content of all of our products has changed for the better, all of these are the rights of all of our products, these are all of ours.60万吨装置故障停车,中国市场整体供应有所减少,后期还需关注场内装置运行情况,需求面来看,传统下游整体需求不见明显放量,江苏斯尔邦80万吨MTO装置近期有重启计划,加之部分烯烃装置负荷提升中,烯烃需求存增加预期,后期还需关注场内烯烃装置负荷变化及重启计划落实情况。目前来看,成本面支撑稳定,供应面利好市场,需求端存增加预期,场内业者心态有所支撑,预计短期甲醇市场价格或高位整理,后期还需密切关注宏观面、煤炭价格以及场内装置运行情况。

A,S Besides, when can we do this? the relationship between us now
