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Environmental impact announcement of Anhui Huasu trichlorosilane project before approval

July 28, 2023, 10:23 AM
The Environmental impact report of Anhui Huasu Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 60,000 tons of trichlorosilicon was announced before approval.
According to the relevant provisions of the environmental impact assessment examination and approval procedure of construction projects, our bureau intends to make an examination and approval opinion on the Environmental impact report of Anhui Huasu Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 60,000 tons of trichlorosilicon. In order to ensure the seriousness and impartiality of the examination and approval opinions, the basic information of the environmental response assessment document of the project is now made public. The publicity period is 5 working days. If you have different opinions on the construction of the project, please feedback the written opinions to the Administrative examination and approval Service Department of Chuzhou Ecological and Environmental Bureau during the publicity period.
Contact: 0550-3215626 (fax)
Supervisory telephone number: 3064016
Address: window of Ecological Environment Bureau, third floor, Chuzhou data Resources Administration (Municipal Administrative Service Administration), 99 Longqi Avenue, Chuzhou (239000)
I. name of the project
Anhui Huasu Co., Ltd. Annual output of 60,000 tons of trichlorosilicon project
II. Construction site
Luqiao Town, Dingyuan Salt Industrial Park, Dingyuan County, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
III. Construction unit
Anhui Huasu Co., Ltd.
IV. Environmental impact assessment institutions
Anhui Wanxin Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
V. Overview of the project
The project uses idle land in the plant to build a hydrogen chloride synthesis workshop, a trichlorosilicon synthesis workshop, a solid waste temporary storage room, a silicon powder warehouse and a TCS tank area, as well as supporting the construction of cabinet room, power distribution room and other public and auxiliary facilities, including 2 sets of 150t/d hydrogen chloride synthesis furnace, 6 sets of 10,000 t trichlorosilicon boiling fluidized bed synthesis furnace, 1500t/a hydrogen pressure swing adsorption unit. It forms an annual production capacity of 60000 tons of trichlorosilicon, 9000tons of silicon tetrachloride and 443.94 tons of 31% hydrochloric acid.
VI. Countermeasures and measures for major environmental prevention or mitigation of adverse environmental impacts
1. Implement the measures for the prevention and control of waste gas pollution proposed in the report. Strengthen the collection and treatment of the waste gas from the production process, adopt airtight or negative pressure collection and treatment in the process of production, transportation and storage, strictly control the unorganized emission, and set up the exhaust gas outlet according to the requirements of the specification.
The main waste gases produced during the operation of the project are hydrogen chloride synthesis start-up and shutdown waste gas, silicon powder feeding waste gas, dry waste gas, pressure swing adsorption analytical waste gas, weight removal tower waste gas and so on.
① hydrogen chloride synthesis start-up and shutdown waste gas: the hydrogen chloride synthesis start-stop waste gas is collected by the pipeline and treated by a set of "three-stage falling film absorption + alkali spray" facilities, and then discharged through a 25m high exhaust cylinder (DA175- trichlorosilicon project).
② silicon powder feeding waste gas: the silicon powder feeding waste gas is collected by the gas collector, treated by a set of "cloth bag dust collector" and discharged through a 35m high exhaust cylinder (DA176- trichlorosilicon project).
③ silicon powder feed waste gas, dry waste gas, pressure swing adsorption analytical waste gas and weight removal tower waste gas: the silicon powder feed waste gas is collected by pipeline and treated with dry waste gas, pressure swing adsorption analytical waste gas and weight removal tower waste gas through a 35m high exhaust tube (DA177- trichlorosilicon project).
The organized emissions of particulate matter, hydrogen chloride and chlorine generated by the project implement the special emission limits and their modification requirements in Table 4 of the Inorganic Chemical Industry Pollutant Emission Standard (GB31573-2015). The unorganized discharge of hydrogen chloride and chlorine gas shall comply with the emission limits and their modification orders in Table 5 of the Inorganic Chemical Industry Pollutant Emission Standard (GB31573-2015), and the unorganized emission concentration limits of particulate matter in Table 2 of the Comprehensive Air Pollutant Emission Standard (GB16297-1996).
2. Implement the measures for the prevention and control of waste water pollution proposed in the report. The project implements the system of "rain-pollution diversion, pollution removal and diversion" and builds a new rain-sewage pipe network. the wastewater of this project mainly includes hydrolytic wastewater, domestic sewage, drainage of open and stop waste gas treatment system, surface flushing wastewater, and early Rain Water. Among them, the surface flushing wastewater of the project and the drainage of the opening and parking waste gas treatment system are sent to the public works and auxiliary facilities under construction in Anhui Huasu Co., Ltd. (water system). After treatment, the recycled water device is reused in Anhui Huasu Co., Ltd., not drained. After flocculation and sedimentation treatment, the hydrolytic wastewater meets the water intake requirements of the bittern extraction plant, and then enters the caustic soda plant through the bittern extraction device without discharge; after septic tank treatment, the domestic sewage is taken over to the industrial sewage treatment plant of Dingyuan Salt Garden and discharged into Maqiao River after reaching the standard; at the beginning of the project, Rain Water took over after adjustment and pretreatment to Dingyuan Salt Garden Industrial sewage treatment Plant and discharged into Maqiao River after reaching the standard.
The main outlet of the effluent shall be carried out in accordance with the takeover standard of Dingyuan Salt and Chemical Garden Industrial sewage treatment Plant and the third level standard in the Comprehensive sewage discharge Standard (GB8978-1996).
3. Implement the noise pollution prevention and control measures proposed in the report. The project should select low-noise equipment, take measures such as rational layout of noise sources and installation of vibration and noise reduction facilities to ensure that the factory boundary noise meets the requirements of Class 3 areas in Table 1 of the Environmental noise Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008).
4. Implement the measures for the prevention and control of solid waste pollution proposed in the report. Strengthen the environmental management of solid waste and separate and collect solid waste. The temporary storage measures and final disposal measures in hazardous waste plants shall be implemented to prevent secondary pollution. The construction of hazardous waste temporary storage sites shall comply with the relevant provisions of the pollution Control Standard for Hazardous waste Storage (GB18597-2023). The general industrial solid waste produced during the implementation of the project is sold for comprehensive utilization; the waste filter cloth and waste packaging bags are recycled by the original manufacturers; the dust collected by the dust collector is used for production; and the domestic waste is entrusted to the sanitation department to clean and transport. During the implementation of the project, hazardous waste is mainly produced, such as waste residue, waste molecular sieve, waste adsorbent, waste lubricating oil barrel, waste lubricating oil, etc., in which the waste residue is identified after it is produced, and the hazardous waste is managed according to hazardous waste before the identification result is obtained. other hazardous wastes are regularly entrusted to units qualified for hazardous waste treatment after collection.
5. Implement the risk prevention and control measures proposed in the report. Two newly built Rain Water ponds in the initial stage of 100m3, relying on the existing one with the volume of 12000m3 accident pool, collect accident wastewater and initial Rain Water to ensure that the accident wastewater is not directly discharged into the surface water body, and Rain Water is not discharged into the external environment at the initial stage. Zonal anti-seepage measures should be taken in TCS tank area, initial Rain Water tank area, high-purity hydrochloric acid tank area and hazardous waste temporary storage room to prevent pollution to groundwater environment. When pollution prevention and control facilities and equipment are overhauled or broken down, emergency measures shall be taken immediately in accordance with the requirements of the report, stop production if necessary, and report to the local ecological and environmental department in a timely manner. Formulate emergency plans for environmental emergencies, and report to the ecological and environmental department for the record, strengthen risk awareness, establish a sound risk prevention system, strengthen safety management, and put an end to pollution accidents.
VII. Opinions of relevant departments
Project record form (Code: 2301-341125-04-01-290275)
Preliminary examination opinion of Ecological Environment Branch of Dingyuan County, Chuzhou City (Dinghuan pre-(2023) No. 7)
VIII. Notification of the right of hearing
According to the Administrative license Law of the people's Republic of China, the applicant and interested parties may request a hearing on the examination and approval opinions of the proposed construction project environmental impact assessment documents within five working days from the publication of the public. Source: Chuzhou Bureau of Ecological Environment