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Sinopec has become the world's largest producer of synthetic rubber materials, with production capacity reaching a new high

July 14, 2023, 8:35 AM

On July 13, according to the latest data from the International Synthetic Rubber Manufacturers Association (IISRP), Sinopec has become the world's largest producer of synthetic rubber materials. Sinopec's synthetic rubber production capacity has expanded rapidly in the past year, increasing from 1.618 million tons to 1.878 million tons, ranking first.

It is worth noting that PetroChina has also achieved significant growth in synthetic rubber production capacity. Its production capacity increased from 1.29 million tons to 1.355 million tons, ranking third. It is understood that China's synthetic rubber production capacity is expanding much faster than other regions around the world.

In addition, Russian supplier Sibur/NKNH ranked fourth with a production capacity of 1.278 million tons, while South Korea's KKPC ranked fifth with an active production capacity of 1.032 million tons. ExxonMobil ranks sixth, with a synthetic rubber production capacity of 971,000 tons. Poland's Synthos ranks seventh with a production capacity of 760,000 tons.

Goodyear, Versalis and ENEOS ranked eighth, ninth and tenth respectively, with synthetic rubber production capacity of 725,000 tons, 683,000 tons and 634,000 tons respectively.

It can be seen that Sinopec has a solid position in the global production of synthetic rubber materials and continues to consolidate its leading position through rapid expansion of production capacity.