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Polypropylene PP: Parking in Dushanzi and Yanshan, coal companies raised their prices across the board, and spot prices surged again
Parking in Dushanzi and Yanshan, coal companies raised their prices across the board, and spot prices surged again.
July 7, 2023
Phosphate Fertilizer Weekly: Demand is improving for primary ammonium and transaction is improving for secondary ammonium and is deadlocked and waiting (No. 20230707)
weekly review
July 7, 2023
Phosphate Fertilizer Weekly: Demand is improving for primary ammonium and transaction is improving for secondary ammonium and is deadlocked and waiting (No. 20230707)
weekly review
July 7, 2023
Urea Weekly: Spot prices surged high and fell back, and new orders were slowed down.(No. 20230707)
weekly review
July 7, 2023
PVC: Futures hit a red Friday, futures prices broke through previous highs, and spot prices rose across the board
PVC: Futures prices broke through previous highs, and spot prices rose across the board
July 7, 2023
PVC Weekly: Futures trends continue to show cross stars, long and short positions are willful, and spot prices fall within a narrow range
PVC Weekly: Both long and short positions are willful, and the spot falls within a narrow range
July 6, 2023
Polyethylene PE: Petrochemical rose 350 at the highest price, spot varieties were divided, and high-pressure stood out
Petrochemical rose 350 at the highest price, and the trend of spot varieties was divided, with high pressure outperforming the others
July 5, 2023
Polypropylene PP: Futures are facing support at the 7000 mark, and spot prices are weak and falling
Futures face support at the 7000 mark, while spot weakness and decline
July 5, 2023
PVC: The price increase is obvious. It is just a routine. The focus of the spot market moves downward
There is an obvious increase in futures prices, and the focus of the spot market moves downward.
July 5, 2023
Phosphate Fertilizer Monthly: Weak demand combined with insufficient cost support Ammonium phosphate market fluctuates and declines (202306)
Monthly Review
July 5, 2023