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Phosphate Fertilizer Weekly: Market Transactions Lackluster, Transaction Focus Continues to Decline

June 12, 2024, 9:21 AM
Monoammonium Phosphate: Overall, the current MAP market demand is sluggish. Although costs continue to adjust to high levels, market demand follow-up is weak, and with ample supply, traders are mostly observing, making a weak market hard to rise. It is expected that next week, the mono ammonium phosphate market prices will continue to be mostly stable with minor adjustments, weakly consolidating. Diammonium Phosphate: Overall, the current DAP domestic market follow-up is insufficient, corporate resources are gathered at ports for export, traders' sentiments are unstable, and pessimistic, prices are weakly operated, export favorable support is weak, it is expected that next week, the diammonium phosphate market prices will continue to stabilize and adjust downwards.