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Soda Ash Weekly Review: Manufacturers Reduce Inventory, Prices Stabilize and Rebound

June 12, 2024, 9:21 AM
This report provides a detailed overview of the current state of the domestic soda ash market, highlighting the trend of stable price increases. The analysis covers the current price range for light and heavy soda ash and notes a slight adjustment in supply due to operational load reductions. An improvement in downstream market demand has led to a better transaction atmosphere and an increase in new orders. Manufacturers' inventories are trending downwards as they continue to fulfill orders. The report forecasts potential market fluctuations due to cautious purchasing from downstream businesses and a lack of significant demand increase. Profit analysis for the combined alkali and ammonia-alkali methods shows a rise from the previous week. The operational rate in the soda ash industry has slightly decreased, with an estimated production volume for the week. The report concludes with a significant reduction in manufacturers' inventory levels, indicating a shift in market dynamics. This comprehensive analysis offers insights into the soda ash market's current operations and future expectations.